Stuck in your job search or career? I’m here to help.

Career coaching and job search support to help you reach the next level in your tech career whether you’re just starting out or working your way up the ladder.

Currently accepting coaching clients!

Experience at your disposal

I’m Donte. Between 20+ years of hiring/People/HR experience, thousands of reviewed applications, and countless hours of screens and interviews, I’ve seen plenty of what works and much more of what doesn’t. I’ve hired everything from software developers, designers, and project managers to marketing and People/HR, from interns to executives.

Now I’m leveraging that expertise to help people get the career they want and the jobs they deserve. I create individual-specific plans to get you where you want to go, including everything from resume & cover letter writing to complete industry transitions.

I can’t remove all of the tedium or frustration but I can leave you more prepared, confident, and empowered as you embark on the next part of your professional journey. I’m here to help.

Job searching is never easy

Searching for a job is a slog. It’s scary, demoralizing, isolating, and opaque. It’s also something people generally don’t have that much practice doing. I’m offering the perspective of a seasoned recruiter/hiring manager to help you catch the attention of the person on the other side of the application process.

I can help you pierce the hiring mindset, write a more effective resume and cover letter, and decode what they’re really asking in interviews. I can you find your next job, spearhead your career, and still remain authentic and aligned with your own values. My work is about presenting your best self not pretending to be someone else.

  • Career Coaching

    Coaching sessions provide support where you need it most. We can review a resume or cover letter, do a mock interview, strategize for a particular role, or discuss how to move past a professional crossroad. Regardless of where you are in your search, we can troubleshoot and optimize your activity to get you to the next role.

    Book a Session | More Info

  • Coaching Packages

    Save money by buying coaching sessions in bulk. With multiple sessions we can dive deeper into your unique career arc, spending more time on bigger questions, refining your strategy and narrative, and particular areas of emphasis.

    Buy a Coaching Package

  • Materials Audit

    If you need a second pair of eyes on your resume/cover letter/LinkedIn/etc., I can review and revise to make them more effective supporting tools for your next submission, helping you stand out from the sea of other applicants.

    An audit consists of 1 resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile.

  • Business Services

    Whether it’s offering a career coaching benefit, outplacement services, hosting a workshop, or broader consulting on company culture, I help organizations fulfill their commitment to professional growth and collective success. 

    Learn More

  • "I was in the middle of a long interview process and Donte helped me reframe my previous experiences to tell a more cohesive story rather than just recounting position by position on my resume. I went into my final interview feeling more confident in my experiences, with a plan to show my interviewers how my experience was really catered to the position. In the week between the two [workshop] sessions, I was offered (and accepted!) the position! "

    T.H., Senior SEO Strategist

  • "Donte’s coaching methods are about meeting you where you are. His workshops create an environment of trust, facilitating productive open conversations about job-searching challenges. Everyone's going to go away with an improved perspective and insights. "

    A.E., Marketing Project Manager

  • “My trouble with interviewing comes down to a battle with imposter syndrome. The reminders that I am actually competent, talking through good stories, and frankly, pep-talks, helped a lot.”

    N.L., Technical Program Manager

  • "I came into this workshop not knowing what to expect and came out feeling more confident and hopeful in my career search and career path. I learned a lot about myself, my needs, and my gaps, and it was all done in a space that was safe and caring."

    A.Z., Product Manager

  • “My conversations with Donte shifted the entire framework with which I was considering jobs and my career. This made it clear what choices I needed to make and how to prioritize myself as well as my long term career goals.”

    A.O., Program Coordinator

  • "Donte had easy, actionable answers for what prior to the workshop felt like considerable hurdles in resume building and framing my personal work narrative."

    M.T., Freelancer

  • "This workshop was a great kick-start to my job search. I feel more equipped to represent myself and my experience in interviews, and I got a few great new contacts as well!"

    S.H., Associate Strategy Officer