A collection of materials and providers that may help with your job search and career development.
Navigating Your Job Search
Career Advice by The Muse - A great archive of practical advice
Your Next Move | The Cut - A biweekly job search advice column for women and people of color
Career Advice by Idealist - Hundreds of articles about various topics, not limited to Idealist’s nonprofit focus
Career Advice by The Ladders - The Ladders focuses on jobs paying above $100k but their content archive is reasonably universal
Questions to Ask Before You Take Your Next Role - Created for designers but many of the questions are universal.
Could Simon Sinek’s Popular TED Talk Be Totally Wrong? - Yoav Yechiam
Jobscan - A tool for helping to optimize your resume for ATS scanning
My Interview Practice - Self-driven mock interviewing
Grammarly - Don’t let misspellings or incorrect grammar turn off a hiring manager
Key Values - Find engineering teams that value the same things you do
Blind - Anonymous forum for people to share their experiences at various companies. Generally focused on tech/startups
Diversify Tech - Job listings and resources targeted for groups underrepresented in tech
Know the Landscape
Bizjournals - National and local business news. There’s probably an edition for your region. - Dynamic list of companies still hiring - Tech Layoff Tracker
Be Inspired
Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder
One of my favorite books of all time. This book tells the riveting tale of a team racing to release a new mini-computer, but it’s only barely about the technology itself. It’s about the people, their decisions, their motivations, their wins, their failures that all add up to the creation of The Thing. Never forget the humanity behind the technology or the excitement that made you want to get into tech in the first place.
Other Support
Career/Job Services
Blue Bridge Career Consulting - Elizabeth has helped me and has a great framework for getting people unstuck and covering the basics. She also does workshops centered around ageism if that’s a particular concern.
Amplify Career Services - Seasoned recruiter helping people with their resumes, cover letters, and applications.
Therapists - If your confidence and impostor syndrome run deeper than what career coaching can address, maybe therapy can help instead.