Is Not-Normal the New Normal?
What if we're never actually going "back to normal?" With all of the disruption in the world, how can we even begin to ground ourselves?
Photo by Parrish Freeman on Unsplash
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I'm starting to think we're never going to get back to "normal." Between the pandemic, inflation, the not-recession, the impending(?) recession, money no longer being free, the rise of remote work and the backlash, DEI progress/lip service and now the backlash, corporate consolidation, the death of rational politics and discourse, AI, and any other number of things, things are definitely different than Before. I think I was holding on to some internal idea that things would "go back to normal" but what if this *is* the new normal? Other than the depression and anxiety that exacerbates (big things to dismiss admittedly), maybe that's not so bad.
I'm not leaning into toxic positivity here but I don't want to descend into doom and gloom nihilism either. No, I'm trying to adopt a perspective shift and see this as an opportunity (not in an evil way). If we're not going back what does forward look like? What do I want that to look like specifically for me? What support do I need? What support can I offer to others? How can I get through today, next week, next year, the next decade without losing myself along the way?
Those are big, meaty questions, well worth exploring with therapists, friends/partners, and clergy alike. In terms of career, maybe now is a good time to focus less on the chaos outside but to look inward at what your brain and heart need to thrive (or at least cope). If you're in a job, maybe now is a great time to take stock of what you're enjoying, what you're not enjoying, and how you want to grow. Maybe you want to be a manager. An executive. A consultant. A coach. Yes, you need to get through your current projects but maybe it's time to consider what you want your future projects to be. If you're looking for a job, are you looking for more of the same or something new? Why? If your industry is changing, are you changing to keep up with it? Why or why not? Do you know what the “right” next thing for you actually is?
As we come to the end of 2023 these are the sorts of questions that are good to ponder, regardless of whether they turn into actual resolutions, goals, or to-dos. Now's a great time to take stock. We're about to have a clean slate as the new year hits, what do you want to put on that slate next? Maybe spending time on these more existential questions is the new normal we all need. We can't control the world, but we can be intentional in how we move around in it.
If you or someone you know needs support working through some of these questions for yourself, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help.