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A Modern Perspective on Job Searching, Hiring, and Career Development
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Asking the Nod: The Trick of the Trick Question
The takeaway here is to realize that interviewing, like many other interactions, has layers to it as each participant has their own motivations and intentions.
Is Not-Normal the New Normal?
I'm starting to think we're never going to get back to "normal." Between the pandemic, inflation, the not-recession, the impending(?) recession, money no longer being free, the rise of remote work and the backlash, DEI progress/lip service and now the backlash, corporate consolidation, the death of rational politics and discourse, AI, and any other number of things, things are definitely different than Before.
Strategy, not (just) Tactics
As you're thinking about your career, think bigger than just tactics. There is no magical resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile that's going to do all of the work for you. Those are all extensions of responses to big, meaty, sometimes existential questions.
Spoon Theory for Job Searches
An idea originally proposed for managing chronic illnesses might help you more sustainably tackle your job search.
How AI is Ruining Hiring and Getting Hired
An overview of how the modern job market has devolved despite tools making everything better, faster, and more efficient.
The Basics: How to Ask For Help
Tips for how to improve the reception of a request for help and support on LinkedIn.